Thursday, December 30, 2010

Universal Studios New York

After Ski Fi City end now you come to Universal Studio The New York City. In this place you will see the scene of New York City from the shop and other building will make you like in real New York City. 

Universal Studios Sci Fi City Monster

Ski Fi City will not complete is there isn't monster on it. You will also find some monster character in this place. You can take some phto with them.

Universal Studios Sci Fi City Character

Don't worry to be bored, tou will find some character of Ski Fi City, and you can take some photo with them. Sojust enjoy it.

Universal Studios Sci Fi City Battle Star Galactica

You must try this one. Yeah the Battle Star Galactica Roller Coaster. This roller coaster has long track and extreme movement. So for you that have heart attack better not ride this roller coaster.

Universal Studios Sci Fi City

Your journey on Egypt Land is over, now get ready for new journey to the Ski Fi City. A place that show you high tecnology at the outspace of he world.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Universal Studios The Egypt Cleopatra

Ever imagine the Egypt Queen Cleopatra that was so famous? Yeah you can see the woman looks like Cleopatra here, and you can take a photo with her.

Universal Studios The Egypt Kingdom Relief